

The Business Partner Segmentation module helps you create different customer groups based on your marketing strategy. To segment your customer base, the module provides several methods. By dividing your market into distinct segments, you can offer the right products and services to the appropriate customer groups in a more personalized and appealing manner.


  • #1. Create Separate Customer Group based on shopping product, shopping location, payment method, shopping amount, shopping period etc.
  • #2. Generate Target list with matching customer information.
  • #3. Generate excel with matching customer information and auto attached with respective segmentation record.
  • #4. Customize the resulted field.
  • #5. Schedule the segmentation.

Additional Information

Installation Instructions

#1. Please login in to System Administration of your system for an installation. #2. No other User is login-ed in the system except (SuperUser who install the module) during installing this module from market. #3. Please take a backup of your system before going for an upgrade.

Dependency Information

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    Uniform Resource Locator


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